Review of
Love and War:
Find Your Way to Something Beautiful in Your Marriage
By John and Stasi Eldredge
WaterBrook Press, 2011 (222 pp, $14.99, paperback)
Rating 5/5
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ew people have blessed Christians
by their words of what it means to be a man or woman of God than authors John
and Stasi Eldredge. John, author of Wild
at Heart, and Stasi, author of Captivating,
team up in their latest book, Love & War, to discuss the realities of Christian marriage and to offer truths
they have discovered through their twenty-five years of marriage. Their primary
goal is to assure the reader that marriage is indeed difficult but that it is
always worth fighting for. For it is when Christian couples dedicate themselves
and their marriages to God that they will truly learn to love themselves, their
spouse, and others as God intended them to love.
A primary theme appears several
times throughout the book: “We live in a
love story that is set in the midst of a very real war.” The love story is
twofold; not only does the Bible begin with the marriage of Adam and Eve in
Eden and end with the marriage of Christ in Revelation to his bride, the church,
but the love story also includes us in that God is at his very essence love (1
John 4:16), that he demonstrated his love for us through his offering of his
Son, Jesus Christ, and our greatest
commands in the Bible revolve around the idea of love (Luke 10:27, among
The war in which this love story
is set is the present spiritual war on earth as a result of sin entering the
world through the sin of Adam and Eve. The Bible tells us that “the whole world
lies under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19) and that Satan, in fact,
scours the whole earth, “looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). John and
Stasi effectively persuade the reader to recognize the reality of the spiritual
war in which we live. We have an enemy who desires to tear apart our marriage in
order to prevent the work God is doing in our lives. John and Stasi successfully
detail the ways in which Satan might work against our marriages and advocate
diligent, persistent prayer together
as our primary weapon against Satan’s attacks.
Though the enemy attempts to
infiltrate our marriages, God ultimately fulfills his purposes. As a part of a
love story in the midst of war, John and Stasi argue that God created marriage
to be a “living, breathing portrait laid out before the eyes of the world so
that they might see the story of the ages.” That is, God uses marriage as “the
image of his love for his people, and our love for him.” One of the most profound
moments I experienced while reading this book was allowing this truth to sink
in, to recognize that God gives marriage such an important evangelistic role
(and humbly acknowledging that I had not fully appreciated it before).
Moreover, I was most moved by a
section explaining how God utilizes marriage not only for evangelistic
purposes, but to transform those who are married. John and Stasi write:
“God lures us
into marriage through life and sex and loneliness, or simply the fact that
someone finally paid attention – all those reasons that you got married in the
first place. It doesn’t really matter, he’ll do whatever it takes. He lures us
into marriage and then uses it to transform
us” (original emphasis).
Though we may enter marriage for
any number of reasons (as noble as they might seem), God will use marriage to reveal
to us our brokenness and cause us to rely more on him.
Overall, John and Stasi Eldredge encourage
their readers to reflect upon their marriages and to prayerfully consider the
issues contained in the book with their spouse rather than relying on the
ever-so-popular “follow these simple steps and experience everlasting joy now” approach. John and Stasi are
extremely honest in this book, sharing many stories from their own marriage
(both highs and lows). It was encouraging to read that such a successful couple
also deals with difficulties in marriage (they admit to having had seriously
considered divorce two times during their marriage).
Love & War is an excellent book for couples to read together to
consider their own patterns of living, the way they relate to their spouse, the
way they interpret their spouse’s actions, the way they think about spiritual
warfare, and how they can better meet the needs of their spouse – all while seeking
the Lord’s will together through their marriage. John and Stasi deliver yet
another Christian classic that will encourage its readers to not merely settle
for a courteous détente, but to continuously strive to strengthen and redeem
their marriages in order to experience together the wild adventure God intends
marriage to be.
I received this book for free
from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
- Reviewed by Tyler Constable

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